Michael Gray Now an independent curator, photographer, author and former Curator of Photography at the Fox Talbot Museum, from 1989 through to the Summer of 2004; prior to which he was Head of Photography in the Department of Visual Communication, Bath Academy of Art
Over the same period of time I have taught photography at postgraduate level on extra mural courses at the Centro de Ricerca e Archivazione, a faculty of the University of Pordenone, Italy from 1994 to 2002, and through the auspices of The British Council, at the University of Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 1992 & 1993
Between 1996 and 2002 I worked on the setting up of the IkonsCentre site and online database for the University of Pordenone whcih linked together three European photographic archives: The Fox Talbot Museum (NB the collection is now part of The British Library, Department of Manuscript Archive), The Lessing KunstArchiv and the CRAF Archiv, Spilembergo under the European Community Raphaello and Sepia Initiatives.
"In the recent past I have undertaken the specialist printing of historical negative material for the Wellcome Institute, The British Library, The Scottish National Portrait Gallery and The Scottish Executive, The University of Cambridge and British Petroleum, The University of Taipei, J Paul Getty Museum and The British Council"
Recent and
Thomson Exhibition: Taiwan Images | Lockhart-Johnston China
Carlos Relvas & Frederick Flower, Portugal | Antarctic
Witness, Frank Hurley
Fox Talbot: First Photographs Exhibition, New York &
San Diego