Co-author for a new publication on John Thomson in Taiwan Taiwan: First Photographs by Editions René Vienét, together with an exhibition of the photographer’s images at the Taipei International Book Fair, November 2005. Part of the European Cultural Outreach Programme.
Forthcoming A collaboration between the University of Taipei, Le Pidgeonnaire and Editions René Vienét, related directly to 3-day International symposium in the Autumn Taiwan: First Photographers. As part of the event a complete set of Thomson’s known surviving photographs will be displayed and will constitute the central focus for discussion on the second day
Concurrent Academic and Curatorial Work
External Member, Jerwood Project Board: British Library, Department of Manuscripts, external member and advisor for the Online Cataloguing and Digitisation of Photographically Illustrated Books Programme, 2002+
Scientific Director, IkonsCentre Imaging Project: a collaborative cataloguing and digitisation project instituted by the University of Pordenone, Italy; 199-2002 part of the European Union Raphaello Initiative in collaboration with CRAF, the Centro di Ricerca e Archiviazione della Fotografia the Lessing Kunst Archiv, Vienna and the National Trust Fox Talbot Museum; visiting lecturer at the Centro di Ricerca e Archiviazione della Fotografia postgraduate teaching centre, Lestans, Spilembergo, 1995 -2000.
Associate Curator and Research Scholar: Arquivo Naçional de Fotografia, Lisbon: collaboration principally on two exhibition projects. Frederick Flower and Carlos Relvas resulting in the publication of two publications and two exhibitions
Academic and Curatorial Work Past
Curator, Fox Talbot Museum 1989-2004: Talbot Collection, September 1989 to July 2004. [2/5ths Full-time post] Responsible for the planning, direction and organisation of the schedule of work for the museum’s exhibition, cataloguing, research and digitisation programmes including preparatory work for redesign, refurbishment and installation of the Upper Gallery exhibition space in 1992, office, archive and study facility, 1994. In 2002 initiated a new residential study programme for postgraduate students and scholars to assist the museum with its exhibition programme and research activities which led to the full accreditation of the museum in 2001. Acted in a consultative capacity relating to the cataloguing, conservation and digitisation of related photographic collections in oheer institutions.
Head of Photography Bath Academy of Art 1980-89 BA (Hons) degree course; full time (until 1984) and part time (until 1990). Introduced course on the history of photography attended by photographic, graphic and fine art students. From 1975 and 1987 specialised in architectural photography; since 1980 engaged on research into the history and origin of photography and photographic vision
Recent and
Thomson Exhibition: Taiwan Images | Lockhart-Johnston China
Exhibition Carlos Relvas & Frederich Flower, Portugal |
Antarctic Witness, Frank Hurley Fox Talbot: First
Photographs Exhibition, New York & San Diego